Misamis Occidental Aquamarine Park (MOAP) is located in Sinacaban, Misamis Occidental, approximately, 15mins travel from Ozamis City. You can ask any bus driver for directions, because this place is popular for tourist. It is also where Dolphin Island is situated. We stayed there for 1 night since we wanted to go to Dolphin Island at early morning. Rooms available are dorm type @P250/head which can accommodate up to 10 persons in 1 room, with aircon, 2 bathroom, cable tv double deck beds. But we stayed in the superior room for the same rate since there was a big group who arrived late night, that we need to give up the dorm for them. Instead we are offered to stay in the bigger room, it’s a quadruple room with 2 queen size beds, with aircon, bar fridge, cabinets, hot and cold shower. It’s quiet big for four persons.
There is a floating restaurant that caters customer up to 7pm only but we preferred to have our meals in the nearby restaurant called Palayan. They are cheaper than the foods inside MOAP, food also tastes good but no fancy stuff. Seafoods is also very cheap and that makes my trip complete, being able to ate ‘ginataang crabs’ for only P350 bucks, very yummy indeed and big serving. MOAP also have a mini zoo which they called wildlife, though only few animals are there but I think it was well situated in a bamboo bridge but it really needs improvement and should have good maintenance. Boating area is also very nice idea but then I wonder why the water looks green, I think they should make it look clean so that it will look more inviting and not creepy.
We paid P250/person for the entrance in Dolphin Island, for 7 years old & below, just need to pay for the P30 boat fare. We expected too much for this trip and we just got disappointed in some ways. For one, the entrance fee is too pricey. In Dolphin Island we are expecting that it really is an “ISLAND” wherein you can go down in the white sand and have some picnic in there but it turn out that it is just a cage for dolphins in the middle of the sea, they just also added a restaurant and a stage type of resting place for the guest. Though you can also go down to have a swim but it is more scary than inviting. Scary because the waves is very burly and we even saw jellyfish in the swimming area..yikes! They also made a swimming pool in the middle of the sea, it is very good idea indeed but then it was just not made appealingly. Need to pay additional P100/person for the pool. Sports activities are also available. We only stayed 1 hour in Dolphin Island and we think it’s not worth it at all for the price we paid. One visit is enough for this place. Improve more and you will surely get more tourists in Dolphin Island.
In going to Sinacaban from Ozamis City
- Ride a van from Ozamis terminal then inform the driver to drop you off in MOAP
Misamis Occidental Aquamarine Park
Libertad Bajo, Sinacaban, Mis. Occ. Phils.,
Tel. No. 0927-262-2756/ 586-02-92
Email: moap_hotel@yahoo.com
if you want some more pictures just click: http://glori29.multiply.com/photos/album/14